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고구려 덕화리 1, 2호분의 소우주 구조와 기명 28수 성좌도 역사

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
43페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 7,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 동아시아문화학회 수록지정보 : 동아시아문화와예술
저자명 : 金一權


I. 서론 : 덕화리1・2호분 개요
II. 덕화리 벽화의 일월남북두 4방위론과 8각의 연화장우주론
III. ㉦모양의 9성도와 9천 우주론
IV. 동아시아 천문학사를 다시 쓰게 하는 기명 28수 성좌도
Ⅴ. 결론 : 덕화리 벽화무덤을 통해본 고구려의 소우주

한국어 초록

Koguryo Dukwhari No. 2 mural painting tomb estimated being
constructed about A.D. 500 was compounded of some astronomical
elements, which were related with two aspects of astronomical
esthetics and historical astronomy.
Firstly, the shape of octagonal ceiling structure is specially
suitable to show the ancient cosmology of eight direction. Secondly,
Dukwhari tomb has the four directional astronomy which the east
is the sun icon with three-legged crow, the west is the moon image
with holy toad and jade-rabbit complex and Big dipper of the north,
southern dipper of the south. These two dipper constellations
were very big size fulling the entire ceiling, were also important
to Koguryo people because they are believed in the governors of
two world of after-dead and before life. Thirldy, the four guardian
deities are in the bottom wall, the east blue dragon, the west whit
tiger, the south red bird and the north black warrior. Fourthly, there
is the nine heaven system marked with nine star circles, one of
the ancient famous cosmological signs developed during the Qin-
Han dynasty periods, a kind of direction thought called eight wind
with nine palace. Fifthly, the florid lotus pattern is in the ceiling
cover, this shows the Buddist thought of cosmology. Sixthly, under
the nine heaven sign system are the equator 28-su of twenty eight
constellation, East asian standard constellation sign distributed to
around the celestial equator. The fact is very important that each of
red name letters of 28 su wrote in the side of the 28 constellation,
because this show the knowledge of basic constellation are
formed in the Koguryian astronomy at least during about 500 year.
Senventhly, then this 28 su constellation relic of Dukwhari tomb is
the second historical data among the ancient East asian astronomy
Above of this, Dukhwari mural painting tomb is very interesting
that were composed of many elements of astronomical cosmology,
lotus world and four directional astronomy, octagonal space
cosmology, nine heaven sign, 28 su constellation, four guardian

영어 초록

Koguryo Dukwhari No. 2 mural painting tomb estimated beingconstructed about A.D. 500 was compounded of some astronomicalelements, which were related with two aspects of astronomicalesthetics and historical astronomy.Firstly, the shape of octagonal ceiling structure is speciallysuitable to show the ancient cosmology of eight direction. Secondly,Dukwhari tomb has the four directional astronomy which the eastis the sun icon with three-legged crow, the west is the moon imagewith holy toad and jade-rabbit complex and Big dipper of the north,southern dipper of the south. These two dipper constellationswere very big size fulling the entire ceiling, were also importantto Koguryo people because they are believed in the governors oftwo world of after-dead and before life. Thirldy, the four guardiandeities are in the bottom wall, the east blue dragon, the west whittiger, the south red bird and the north black warrior. Fourthly, thereis the nine heaven system marked with nine star circles, one ofthe ancient famous cosmological signs developed during the Qin-Han dynasty periods, a kind of direction thought called eight windwith nine palace. Fifthly, the florid lotus pattern is in the ceilingcover, this shows the Buddist thought of cosmology. Sixthly, underthe nine heaven sign system are the equator 28-su of twenty eightconstellation, East asian standard constellation sign distributed toaround the celestial equator. The fact is very important that each ofred name letters of 28 su wrote in the side of the 28 constellation,because this show the knowledge of basic constellation areformed in the Koguryian astronomy at least during about 500 year.Senventhly, then this 28 su constellation relic of Dukwhari tomb isthe second historical data among the ancient East asian astronomyhistory.Above of this, Dukhwari mural painting tomb is very interestingthat were composed of many elements of astronomical cosmology,lotus world and four directional astronomy, octagonal spacecosmology, nine heaven sign, 28 su constellation, four guardiandeities.

참고 자료



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