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大學生의 人口意識과 人口敎育에 對한 態度 硏究

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 14권 / 3호
저자명 : 金祥源


第一章 緖論
第二章 資料의 解釋과 論議
第三章 要約과 結論 및 提言

영어 초록

This study was prepared conducted for the purpose of collecting and regulating the preliminary population education data at university level, measuring the students’ know ledge, perception and attitudes concerning population problems, and their ideas for the population education curriculum and method at university and college.
The survey was conducted at Jeonbuk National University, j eon ju, Korea, from January, to August 1976. The size of the sample was 500, which was composed of male students, 250, and female students, 250. The object students were selected by means of purposive stratified sampling method among some five thousand at the university. Among the original sample of 500, 433 students successfully answered the questionaire which included 45 items, making the response rate of 86.6 percent. The contents of the question aire were made up of population knowledge (knowledge for population size, population change, population problems, family planning, population policy), population attitude (attitude for family size making opposite sex friends, marriage, sex, and, son and daughter), attitude for population education at university level (source of population and sex knowledge, the need for population and sex knowledge, the need for population education, lecture style and method of population education, etc.
Students dimly perceived the present rate of population increase in Korea and the world as rapid. But their level of knowledge concerning the world and Korean population was “low”, and their value orientation of population was also not exactly fixed. The effect of population education at university, which was practised temporarily and partially so far, turned out to be not so influential.
In general, students perceived nuclear family as favorable one, particularly girl students like it much more than boy students. They accept making opposite sex friends during the university life as “desirable”. In fact, however, only a few of them have opposite sex friends. Many students think that we marry for -the sake of the couple’s stable life. And many of them perceive “sex” as a very important factor in married life. Most of the girl students strongly object “premarital sex” in any case. but many boys say that premarital sex is not so bad when they love each other even if they have not been engaged. Many of the students favor the family planning movement. And they want two sons and one daughter after marriage, and they want the children for the couple’s present life, not for their future life insurance. A large number of girls as well as boy students value son or
boy much more than daughter or girl, both in family life and social life. However, they urge that, as far as the educational opportunity is concerned, not only sons but daughters should be regarded “equally.”
Many boy and girl students receive the information as to population, sex and contraception through mass communication media, such as TV program, radio, newspaper, and, weekly and monthly magazines. They want in systematic population and sex education at university and college. They urge that the population and sex education lecture should be established and opened for every university student that want the lecture.
In conclusion, population and sex education at university and college is necessary for the the students and the lecture should be established as immediately as possible, and the lecture should be managed by means of professors' team work, be opened for every student who needs it.

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大學生의 人口意識과 人口敎育에 對한 態度 硏究
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