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日本의 民主主義敎育制度 受容過程에 대한 敎育政治學的 考察

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13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 13권 / 3호
저자명 : 安基成



영어 초록

This study is an attempt to approach the education with a political method, Through the history of education, especially in recent, we human-being have tried to evade the political involution from education. But any success in such efforts have not been shown yet. It is why we think that there are some intimate interactions between the education and politics.
Japan, since 1945 after the end of World War Ⅱ, accepted the democratic educational legislations under the America’s occupation and its impact. In the process accepting those mew educational legislations, what kinds of political' interaction did work? It is what this study is focused.
Japan’s political culture was a type of subject political culture in the period of the Maij Reform to the end of World War Ⅱ. Therefore, the accepting new educational legislation means the transference of the subject political culture to the participant. But Japan’s political culture in period of accepting the legislation was the mixture of cultures, only showing the stronger type of participant orientated as long as America’s impact worked.
America’s impacts to reform Japan’s political situation that was on the ultra-nationalism and militarism concentrated fundamentally on the amendment of the educational articles on constitution and the establishment of the related laws.
Such impacts for the democratization of education in Japan were, 1) the removal of ultra-nationalism and militarism, 2) the four orders, 3) the report of the United States Education Mission to Japan and 4) the educational articls in Japanese constitution. In spite of The America’s impacts, Japanese conservative power appeared as the abstract for democratization of Japan assisting “ustainment of emperorship”. It is characterized the Japan as the subject political culture in education.
The Educo-political system in Japan on the period. of accepting the democratic legislation was differant from common cases; its black box implied the foreign power, which is The United Stated- of America, contrast to the ordinary system that put the foreign power outside of the box in relation of the symmetrical power. The in-put for the legislation and amendment of constitution for democratization for Japanese education came from U.S.A. not from Japan itself, but the out-put came out through. Japan’s own routine under the supervision of America.
Otherwise, we can consider a case that the America was the strongest environment which effected Japanese politics. We also find there was no in-put from Japan’s own environment but America’s.
Japan’s original political culture, that was subject one, transfered to participant, by acceptance of new legislation for democratic education under the America’s impacts. It means that the subject political culture is transferable only by the method of: subject itself.

참고 자료



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日本의 民主主義敎育制度 受容過程에 대한 敎育政治學的 考察
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