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Adjustment Mechanism에 관한 心理的 考察

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 9권 / 1호
저자명 : 黃昌女


1. 序言
2. 心理的 均衡(Equilibrium)의 過程
3. 心理的 不均衡의 過程
4. 갈등(Conflicts)의 원천
5. 欲求의 充足過度와 失敗에 따른 性格
6. 結論

영어 초록

Man cannot adapt himself to the complicated environment only with the physical equilibrium created through the physiological or biological processes of growth. However, it is possible for him to adapt himself well to the environment, when the psychological equilibrium be formed on the basis of biological equilibrium. Man acts in various ways in order to maintain such equilibrium. Personality develops itself into a new form through adjustment to the environment, and also through creating a new environment. Human needs should be met adequately to achieve the desirable adaptation to the environment through the continuos processes of control and creation for adjustment. When human needs not be met or met to excess, an emotional instability would result, that is the cause of maladjustment. Psychological mechanism is used to overcome emotional needs and tensions, while anatomical mechanism isused to protect the organization of human body from maladjustment. Especially psychological mechanism appears differently according to the individual; as it were, it appears as the from of mechanisms, of escape, defense, and aggressiveness. Among these there are those accepted socially and those rejected socially. The Mechanisms accepted socially lead to the low level of personality development. Therefore, guidance programs should be made so that pupils may not take the unacceptable mehcanisms.
The following methods are recommended to guide pupils in terms of adjustment mechanism:
1. To eliminate factors for frustration through controlling conditions of envioronments.
2. To give the opportunities to evaluate himself, so that he may know whether or not behaviors to meet his needs be acceptable sociallly.
3. To train perseverance in case the pupil be frustrated psychologically.
4. To foster ability to determine the adequate standard of psychological needs.

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Adjustment Mechanism에 관한 心理的 考察
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