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大衆社會와 敎育

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 8권 / 2호
저자명 : 張眞鎬


1. 民俗社會ㆍ公衆社會ㆍ大衆社會
2. 大衆社會 狀況을 조성하게 된 要因
3. 大衆社會의 構造와 心理
4. 大衆社會가 안고있는 問題(危機) 現象
5. 大衆敎育의 兩面性格
6. 大衆社會의 問題를 克服하기 위한 敎育의 模索

영어 초록

Modern society, which is the product of Gesellschaft, has been recognized as an industrialized mass society. The developing process of mass society in the West had its beginnings through pre-modern stages such as folk and public societies in the 19th century. Socializing process in mass aspects of Korean society does not follow these Western patterns. Korean society today faces many confused problems of the masses without passing through stages of public society or civil society as in the West.
The conception of mass society was orginated from “The Great Society” by G. Wallas and developed by E. Lederer who analyzed the Nazis as a mass-state organized by an emotional public. Several factors may be noted to have motivated the development of mass society. In the political phase, mass democracy has appeared by stimulating populations to participate in political movements with equal privileges. Economically, rapid growth of capitalism and technological change has brought industrial revolution. As a result, mass production of goods and the development of broad open market systems has created both mass producers and mass consumers. Groups and organizations are major aspects in such social phenomena. Bureaucracy is a necessary system to control and manage huge groups and organizational structures in modern society. In cultural phase, the mass media has greatly contributed in producing a mass culture which leads towards a major consumer culture. Finally, technology should be pointed out as a decisive factor in creating mass society. Especially, has technology demonstrated mighty powers in uniting with industry and mass media.
Studies of the structural and psychological aspects of mass society have produced some outstanding thoughts. L. Wirth illustrates the characterestics of mass society as follows: globally scattered; large population; heterogeneous individuals; huge collectivity of anonymity; non-organizational groups; no leader; no activity plan; and no tradition. Market orientation by Fromm and other directed types by Riesman are both expressions of the psychology of mass man. Mass society produces not only markets for consumer goods, but also personality markets. Mass man must try to find ways to sell his abilities and skills as well as himself in markets. In the market system, exchange values are the most important factor. Everything is considered as an exchange value (even if it is personality).
The other-directed type refers to common characteristics of modern men in their feeling of continuous emotional and psychological conflicts. Such are manifested. in rapid responses to others’ critiques as well as concern for one’s own reputation. Such extreme receptive attitudes eventually promote loss in subjetive power and humanity.
Modern education in a mass situation has two functions. One is adjustment to cope with the present state, the other is overcoming obstacles from resulting conflicts and crises. For the purpose of adjustment in mass society, education should emphasize the following points: extension of school populations; training of professional men to fit in organization; technical training of the new middle class which will comprise the majority in society; supply of able strategic elites in various fields; epochal improvement of professional education; consumer's education; education for productive use of leisure time; etc.,
Modern education, on the other hand, is confronted with emergent tasks in overcoming the crises of mass society. The conflicts of mass education can be listed as follows: loss of human dignity; social anomie; position of education as a dependent variable to economics and politics; weakened individuality and subjective decision power; lack of creativeness and core value; confusion in child culture- market influenced mass culture; impersonal inter-relationships between teacher and student; neglect of the ideal goals of education to develop rounded personalities, etc.,
New educational efforts to eliminate unproductive factors in mass society should earnestly be considerad. Important fundamental countermeasures to overcome the obstacles of mass society should be expected of modern education, empahasizing these points: 1) education in recovering humanity, 2) integrative education with the aim of promoting harmonious personalities, 3) education of moral dynamism, 4) education for democaratic social planning, 5) educating responsible citizens to recognize the self-dedicated mission on improving a given society, 6) broad and effective social education (adult education), 7) practicing democratic group(social) techniques, 8) productive guidance for effective use of leisure time, 9) education for establishment of individuality and national subjectivity.

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