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희망복지지원단 사례관리자의 역할수행 경험에 관한 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국사례관리학회 수록지정보 : 사례관리연구 / 4권 / 1호
저자명 : 함철호, 임병우, 김상곤, 최태자, 박미정


Ⅰ.서 론
Ⅱ.선행연구 검토
Ⅴ.결론 및 함의

한국어 초록

본 연구는 희망복지지원단의 사례관리자의 역할수행 효율적 방안을 모색하기 위해 희망복
지지원단 사례관리자 12명을 심층면접 한 후 Strauss&Corbin의 근거이론에 의해 분석하였다.
분석결과,개방코딩에서 34개의 개념과 8개의 범주가 도출되었다.축 코딩 결과 중심현상은
사례관리자로서의 역할수행 어려움이었으며,이에 대한 인과적 조건은 개인,팀,네트워크 차
원의 어려움,맥락적 조건은 사례관리자로성의 역할인식과 책임감,상사들의 이해와 인식,상
사들의 이해 인식부족에 의한 불안감,중재적 조건은 양질의 수퍼비전,적절한 교육훈련 상사
의 인식전환 교육,상호작용 전략은 조직 내,팀 내,네트워크 역할 정립과 신뢰형성이었다.
본 연구결과 희망복지지원단의 효율적인 사례관리를 위한 방안으로 상사들의 사례관리 지식/
기술에 대한 이해 인식 교육,양질의 수퍼비전,사례관리 교육 커리 및 메뉴얼 개발의 시급함
을 제안하였다.

영어 초록

he study was to analysis and to realize the role of workers as case manager, working in the Heemangjiwon team. The study was applied to qualitative method involving Strauss & Corbin grounded theory, which was good at the exploring the essence of worker's experience as a case manager.
The date was collected from 11 worker, working as case manager in the Heemangjiwon team through in-depth interview. The date was analysized by the procedures of grounded theory-open coding, performed conceptualization(33) and categorization(8), axial coding, carried out category and process analysis, selective coding, performed core category.
The results of the study as following: in axial coding the casual conditions was the problems of role performance in individual, organization, team, network level; the core phenomenon was the effect of active role performance as case manager; the contextual conditions was the supervisor's lack of recognazation on case management and the worker's recognition of the responsibility & role of case manager; the strategy of action/interaction was the establish the role in the level of organization, team, network; the intervention conditions was the quality supervision and education. In selective coding four types of role performanece was founded, the individual role establishment promotion type, the indivldual role establishment frustration type, the organization role establishment promotion type, the organization role establishment frustration type.
The implication of the result of the study was as follows:
firstly, in theoretical aspect the result offered the comprehensive understanding on worker's role as case manager in Heemangjiwon team, secondly in practical aspect supervisor's education was one of crucial factors for the successful establishment the role of a case manager

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희망복지지원단 사례관리자의 역할수행 경험에 관한 연구
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