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Who is to blame for academic failures of low-achieving students?: From a socio-cultural perspective

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최종 저작일
13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 수록지정보 : 교육연구 / 19권 / 2호
저자명 : 한대동


Individual student
Educational policy of government
Concluding remarks

한국어 초록

The causes of low academic achievements of students can be found at least in the following areas: individuals, home, school, and educational policy of government. Although the blame for the academic failures of low-achieving students is largely given to individual students by teachers and parents the academic ability or other psychological traits of the individual students are, in effect, affected by home and school to a largely extent. Among the backgrounds of individuals affecting their academic achievement home or family background is the most influential factor which is intertwined with social class, gender, and race/ethnicity. The school where students spend most of their daytime is also to blame for the academic failures of the low-achieving students including those from poor family backgrounds because a considerable degree of their low achievement is due to inappropriate or poor teaching and caring of adults in the school. The educational policy of government is another source of the failures in academic achievement of students from poor social background. For instance, the educational policies of the current government do not seem to have a beneficial effect on the low-achieving students because they put more emphasis on excellence, competition, and selection rather than equality, communal values, and authentic education. Thus, the government and educators should search for ways of alleviating the achievement gap between students from different social backgrounds and ability. And, together with those efforts, they should stop blaming the victims, for the academic failures of the low-achievers.

Key words : academic achievement, low-achievers, family background, school, educational policy, social background

영어 초록

The causes of low academic achievements of students can be found at least in the following areas: individuals, home, school, and educational policy of government. Although the blame for the academic failures of low-achieving students is largely given to individual students by teachers and parents the academic ability or other psychological traits of the individual students are, in effect, affected by home and school to a largely extent. Among the backgrounds of individuals affecting their academic achievement home or family background is the most influential factor which is intertwined with social class, gender, and race/ethnicity. The school where students spend most of their daytime is also to blame for the academic failures of the low-achieving students including those from poor family backgrounds because a considerable degree of their low achievement is due to inappropriate or poor teaching and caring of adults in the school. The educational policy of government is another source of the failures in academic achievement of students from poor social background. For instance, the educational policies of the current government do not seem to have a beneficial effect on the low-achieving students because they put more emphasis on excellence, competition, and selection rather than equality, communal values, and authentic education. Thus, the government and educators should search for ways of alleviating the achievement gap between students from different social backgrounds and ability. And, together with those efforts, they should stop blaming the victims, for the academic failures of the low-achievers.Key words : academic achievement, low-achievers, family background, school, educational policy, social background

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Who is to blame for academic failures of low-achieving students?: From a socio-cultural perspective
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