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분청사기 이해지도에 관한 연구

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22페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술교과교육학회 수록지정보 : 사향미술교육논총
저자명 : 류재만


1. 서 론
2. 분청사기의 이해
3. 분청사기의 조형적 특성
4. 분청사기 이해 학습 방안
5. 결 론

한국어 초록

백자나 청자에 대해서 그나마 이름이라도 알고 있지만 분청사기에 대해서는 거의 모르는 실정이다. 민족적인 특색이 잘 드러나 있는 분청사기를 잘 알지 못 하는 것은 그 동안 우리 전통미술 교육의 현실을 말해 주는 것이다.
조선시대에 대표하는 도자기는 분청사기와 백자이다. 청자의 영향을 받았음에도 불구하고 백토의 분청과 다양한 장식기법이나 대담하고 활달한 문양 등에서 분청사기만의 독창성을 보여 주고 있다. 분청사기는 청자처럼 우아하거나 정교하지 못하지만, 기교를 부리지 않고 대범하고 활달한 문양과 수더분한 형태가 분청사기만의 독특한 조형미를 보여 주고 있다.

영어 초록

Buncheong porcelain retaining our people's characteristics began to be made at the end of ancient Korea Dynasty when its circumstances were uneasy, people were prohibited from using metal instrument and the gentry had their own taste. Buncheong earthenware was based on such a social and cultural background. Unlike Celadon ware and White porcelain, the places where Buncheong porcelain was made were distributed throughout this country and it was mass-produced. In addition, it was popular bowls the Royal House or government offices used as well as common people.
Depending on how to decorate its surface, Buncheong porcelain is classified into inlaid Buncheong porcelain, Buncheong porcelain engraved with patterns using seals, Buncheong porcelain engraved by scraping white earth, Buncheong porcelain engraved with line, Buncheong porcelain using iron pigment, Buncheong porcelain with brush marks and Buncheong porcelain with patterns made by soaking it in white earth water.
Buncheong porcelain has beauty of common and rough simplicity, practical beauty which pursues practicality by using it as general containers, humorous beauty with quiet meaningful smile instead of being talkative or perseveringly and beauty of abstraction using bold abstract patterns. These are the features of Buncheong porcelain. As is stated above, although Buncheong porcelain is not elegant and elaborate like Celadon porcelain and White porcelain, it shows its own unique and simple formative beauty by boldly taking care of regular and bold patterns without technique.
Understanding of Bucheong earthenware and knowing about its formative features are pursued as means to help understand it. Here are presented ways to help understand Buncheong earthenware such as to understand through appreciation, to understand its types and names, to compare it with white porcelain and appreciate and to make a brochure describing Buncheong earthenware. In the section of understanding the Buncheong earthenware through appreciation, people are led to understand its formative nature, recognize its technique for decoration and find the regularity of its name by knowing its types and names. It is intended to provide for the chance to find the difference between White porcelain and Buncheong earthenware through comparing and appreciating both of them and to keep it in your inside what you know about Buncheong porcelain through making a brochure .
To make study for understanding Buncheong porcelain meaningful and further learning, it is required to view it from the social and cultural viewpoint and understand that it contains the life and culture of Joseon Dynasty, not that it is a simple container. That is, understanding of Buncheong porcelain must lead us to understand the thoughts and life of people of Joseon Dynasty.

참고 자료



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