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三絶思想에 관한 考察

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
36페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술교과교육학회 수록지정보 : 사향미술교육논총
저자명 : 류재만


Ⅰ. 여는 글
Ⅱ. 삼절의 의미와 육예 체계와의 관계
Ⅲ. 조선시대 그림에 나타난 삼절사상
Ⅳ. 조선시대 미술교육에 나타난 삼절사상
Ⅴ. 삼절사상에서 미술교육의 시사점
Ⅵ. 닫는 글

한국어 초록

We can see the fact that many pictures of Chosun Age are well harmonied with poem, writing and picture in one screen. We call this "Samjeol". Originally, "Samjeol" means that a person who is very good at those three, poem, writing and picture. In Art, "Samjeol" means that all those three in the picture are well organised and harmonied.
In Chosun Age, the philosophy and intention of the picture were very important. They believed that writer's knowledge, learning and philosophy were expressed in the picture. We can say that literature, history and philosophy were their majors, and poem, writing and picture were their favors.
How we express "Samjeol" in the picture is that we write a poem on the picture to be united with poem, writing and picture, and write their opinions on the picture. Beyond this, the title of the picture and "Jesa" can be expressed in another way.
They also had a meeting periodically, so that they expressed their happiness and life on the picture with poem and writing. It can be more helpful and developed with everyone's diverse opinions.
We can recognize the fact that "Samjeol" means not only the writer's character but also their spirit. This gives us a lesson that just drawing a picture is not everything. What we want to express in the picture and what we see is much more important. Firstly, drawing a picture is the way to cultivate our spirit and character. Secondly, the art in our lives. Thirdly, the united approach method. And at last, the importance of criticism.

영어 초록

We can see the fact that many pictures of Chosun Age are well harmonied with poem, writing and picture in one screen. We call this "Samjeol". Originally, "Samjeol" means that a person who is very good at those three, poem, writing and picture. In Art, "Samjeol" means that all those three in the picture are well organised and harmonied. In Chosun Age, the philosophy and intention of the picture were very important. They believed that writer's knowledge, learning and philosophy were expressed in the picture. We can say that literature, history and philosophy were their majors, and poem, writing and picture were their favors. How we express "Samjeol" in the picture is that we write a poem on the picture to be united with poem, writing and picture, and write their opinions on the picture. Beyond this, the title of the picture and "Jesa" can be expressed in another way. They also had a meeting periodically, so that they expressed their happiness and life on the picture with poem and writing. It can be more helpful and developed with everyone's diverse opinions. We can recognize the fact that "Samjeol" means not only the writer's character but also their spirit. This gives us a lesson that just drawing a picture is not everything. What we want to express in the picture and what we see is much more important. Firstly, drawing a picture is the way to cultivate our spirit and character. Secondly, the art in our lives. Thirdly, the united approach method. And at last, the importance of criticism.

참고 자료



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