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한국장군설화의 통시적 연구

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27페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국구비문학회 수록지정보 : 구비문학연구
저자명 : 오세길


1. 서론
2. 연원
3. 변이
4. 결론

한국어 초록

설화 연구에 있어서 같은 유형에 속하는 이야기들이라도 그들 간의 선후를 따지는 것은 매우 신중히 고려해야 할 사항이다. 설화가 형성된 시기를 정확히 고증하는 것은 거의 불가능할 뿐만 아니라, 개별 각편 간의 선후를 명확히 밝혀 줄 화소나 서사구조를 찾아내는 것도 쉽지 않기 때문이다. 흔히 서사구조의 전개양상을 통해 단순한 것에서부터 복잡한 것으로 변이하였다고 결론짓는 경우가 많은데, 이는 이야기의 구조가 반드시 발전적으로 변이한다는 전제를 충분히 증명할 수 있을 때에만 설득력을 지닌다

영어 초록

The object of this dissertation is to set up “Korean General Tales” as a genre and, clarifying the various transmitted appearances and the meanings and principles of “Korean General Tales”, to examine the status and significance of “Korean General Tales” in the history of Korean narrative literature.
“Korean General Tale” is ‘a narrative story of the real general who played an active part historically.’ This definition can make it differences from Commander(장수) Tales and Heroic Novel, and establish it as an original type that it is a story of the real general.
The narrative structure of “Korean General Tales” has some connection with the birthmyth of a nation, especially Ju-Mong(주몽) myth, and seems also to be related with Dan-Gun(단군) myth. However, whereas Ju-Mong myth is intended to describe that Ju-Mong has the ability and inevitable duty to build up Kogurya(고구려), Kim You-Shin's tale reflects just that he is the personage to achieve the great work of unification of three nations. These different purposes had an influence only upon forming both of heroes' stories narratively, and the community that they were the best heroes of their ages basically caused both of stories to have the same narrative structures.
In the study of the varied transmitting of “Korean General Tales”, it was examined that generally “Korean General Tales” had been changed and developed from the narrative structure with mythical order emphasizing the extraordinary mystery, to gradually the narrative structure with reasonable order.

참고 자료



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