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8. The Dying of the Dead Sea(죽어 가는 사해)

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7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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그린북 8과의 The Dying of the Dead Sea(죽어 가는 사해) 원문과 번역입니다.


8. The Dying of the Dead Sea
8. 죽어 가는 사해


8. The Dying of the Dead Sea
The ancient salt sea is the site of a looming environmental catastrophe

Up and down the Dead Sea, on the Jordanian and Israeli coasts, the shoreline is pockmarked by sinkholes—testifying to an environmental catastrophe. The Dead Sea is shrinking, and as it recedes, underground fresh water supplies along the perimeter of the lake are receding along with it. As this fresh water diffuses into salt deposits beneath the surface of the shoreline, the water slowly dissolves the deposits until the earth above collapses without warning.
More than 1,000 sinkholes have appeared in the past 15 years, which have swallowed a portion of road, date-palm fields and several buildings on the sea’s northwest coast. Experts believe that hotels along the shore are also in danger. “The good news is that if you get swallowed by a sinkhole, they name it after you,” Gidon Bromberg, the Israeli environmental activist, deadpans. The Ein Gedi spa, for example, was built along the waterline of the Dead Sea about 20 years ago. Today, the resort sits marooned on a spit of wasteland almost a mile from the water; a trolley carries guests to and from the beach on a track that must be extended every year.
Past the ancient Jewish fortress of Masada, there is Ein Bokek, a garish strip of high-rise hotels that calls to mind Atlantic City. Few tourists arriving at Ein Bokek are aware of the resort’s not so little secret: the shallow

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