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AP US History Unit II Notes -The American Revolution

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,200원 할인쿠폰받기


미국 AP 클래스에서 필기했던 내용의 노트입니다.
Unit II의 수업내용을 담고 있습니다.
글씨크기가 8pt 라서 꽤나 많은 내용을 담고 있습니다.
총 23 페이지 입니다.


I. Road to Revolution
A. Anglo-French rivalries and the Seven Years’ War
B. Imperial Reorganization of 1763
1. Western Lands
2. Sugar Act-1764
3. Stamp Acts-1765
4. Declaratory Act-1766
5. Townshend Acts-1767-1768
6. Boston Massacre
7. Gaspee Affair
8. Boston Tea Party
C. Philosophy of the American Revolution
II. American Revolution 1775-1783
A. Continental Congress
B. Declaration of Independence
C. The Revolutionary War
1. Campaign through 1776
2. French Alliance
3. War in the South
4. Peace of Paris
5. State Constitutions
6. Social Reform: women, slavery
D. Articles of Confederation
III. Constitution and the New Republic
A. Philadelphia Convention: drafting the Constitution
B. Federalists vs. Antifederalists
C. Bill of Rights
Washington’s Presidency (1789-1797)
1. Hamilton’s Financial Plan
2. Foreign and Domestic Difficulties
3. Beginnings of Political Parties
4. Farewell Address
E. John Adam’s Presidency
1. XYZ Affair
2. Alien and Sedition Acts


Theme1: The American Revolution occurred because the American colonists furiously resisted British attempts to impose tighter imperial controls and higher taxes after the French and Indian War.
Theme2: When hostilities began in 1775, the colonists were still fighting for their rights as British citizens, but in 1776 they declared their independence, based on a proclamation of “self-evident” truths.
Theme3: The American Revolution was not a radical transformation, but it did produce political innovations and some social change in the general direction of greater equality and democracy.
Theme4: the federal Constitution embedded the revolutionary ideals of liberty and popular government within a strong framework designed to advance national identity and interests against the dangers of fragmentation and disorder.
Theme5: Led by Washington and Hamilton, the first administration under the Constitution overcame various difficulties and firmly established the political and economic foundations pf the new government.
All chapters deal with resistance>Declaration of Independence; powerful minority upset-write Constitution
Colonial Wars-World Wars

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AP US History Unit II Notes -The American Revolution
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