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매튜 아놀드의 사상에 대한 분석적 에세이 입니다. 제목은 True Modern Idea of Matthew Arnold against Untruthful Modernism in the Victorian Period 입니다.

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참고문헌 포함해서 1277단어입니다. (1277글자가 아닌 1277단어)

참고 문헌을 보시면 아시겠지만 매튜 아놀드의 Culture and Anarchy 분석을 기반으로 했구요.

매튜 아놀드의 Culture 개념이 진정한 모더니즘이라는 주장을 담아서

글을 써봤습니다. 나름 참신한 소재라고 생각하고요 자신있게 추천해드립니다.

인용부분도 항상 완벽하게 해서 제출한거니 그부분 걱정안하셔도 됩니다.

역시 Introduction 부분만 중간 생략해서 올려드립니다.

목차는 생략하겠습니다.




In the late 18th century, British people experienced the most intensive change in all aspects of life since “Industrial Revolution” resulted in tremendous improvement on economic productivity and made England richer than ever before. This economic affluence gave power to the people to fight against ancient culture which was so-called “Antiquity” and such trend led the mankind to “Modernism.”...... 중간 생략 ....... Among them Matthew Arnold who was not only poet but also sage writer, suggested the idea of “Culture” which stands for desirable moral standard to cure the problems of all modernistic-false spread throughout the Europe. ..... 중간 생략....... This idea of true modernism of Arnold can be explained by investigating historical background especially during the 1860’s, analyzing Arnold’s writings about culture and education, and comparing other works that stands against his idea.

참고 자료

Arnold, Matthew. “Chapter 1. Sweetness and Light.” Culture and Anarchy. 1882.
---. “Chapter 2. Doing As One Likes.” Culture and Anarchy. 1882.
---. “Chapter 5. Porro Unum Est Neccessarium.” Culture and Anarchy. 1882.
---. “Literature and Science.” The Nineteenth Century. Cambridge University, 1882.
Huxley, Henry Thomas. “Science and Culture.” Essays, English and American, with introductions notes and illustrations. New York, P.F. Collier & son [c1910], Harvard classics; no.XXVIII.
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Manifesto of the Communist Party. 1848
Yoon, Ji-Kwan. Formation of Culture and Its Modern Meaning: Research of Matthew Arnold. Seoul National University. 1993.


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매튜 아놀드의 사상에 대한 분석적 에세이 입니다. 제목은 True Modern Idea of Matthew Arnold against Untruthful Modernism in the Victorian Period 입니다.
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