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bridget jones`s dairy 영어독후감 (book report)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


bridget jones`s dairy를 읽고 쓴 book report입니다.
setting, time period, main character, plot, impression 등의 순서로 짜임새있게 구성했습니다.




Title : bridget jones`s dairy
Author: helen fielding
Genre : fiction (romance)
Publisher: A penguin book
Times(Period) of reading: 3 times (10/1 ~ 11/7)
Pages : (pp1 ~ pp268)
The type of the romantic fiction diary which shows the life of the normal, but plucky old maid. Bridget Jones is 32-year-old, not married and not real woman. She is approached by the men who are in the similar situation. (who doen`t have a marriage.) Because it make the readers feel sympathy with that old girl, It is very famous and popular till now.
Time period
Certain, but modern time In England
Bridget Jones - She is 32 years old, but didn`t get married. While the process of finding real love, she got mental agony between two men, and finally she found her own mate.

Daniel Cleaver - Ex-boss of her job. He is a playboy like, coming on Bridget, cheating on another girl, and approaching to bridget, and so forth.

Mark Darcy- The man who met Bridget by her mother`s blind date. He finally got her mind.

참고 자료

bridget jones`s dairy
판매자 유형Silver개인


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bridget jones`s dairy 영어독후감 (book report)
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