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[영어스피치] Information entertainment speech 체게바라의일생

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


체게바라의 일생에



TITLE : My Hero : Che guevara
SPEECH PURPOSE : To inform my audience about Che guevara


I. In his profile
A. Young CHE
1. natural week and rich family
2. could be a doctor

B. Motorcycle diary
1. Travel by bike in south america
2. be a to think about big world

II. Revolution of cuba
A. Be a to interest about Marxism and Leninism
1. Leprous patients
2. just died

B. a meeting of destiny
1. called "CHE"
2. meet the pidel castro
3. join the cuban war

C. died at bolivia
1. To free the other people
2. died from american army

III. Why we respect him?
A. The great dream
1. Freedom of the people
2. get rich with everyone


"Be a realist and dream the impossible" Do you know Who are say this sentence? Do you know that? Yes, that is che guevara. We know that he is very brave and just communist. but, he just not communist. He was just humanist and dreamer. Like pure boy.


I. life
Che guevara`s full name is "Ernesto Guevara de la Serna". I think It is very difficult to speak. haha.
He was born Argentina in 1928. be born with rich same age with andy warhol. I like andy warhol, too. In that age economy of america was very complicate and went the war 청산리대첩 of General 김좌진 in korea. Anyway, He be born with rich family. young che had a asthma by nature. but, He played well any sports and very smart.
In 1956, he graduated a medical college. Every people think that he could be a good doctor and get rich. But, He didn`t.

Did you remember motorcycle diary? Yes, that movie is Che guevara`s story. He was travel South America for 10 month. In that period, He saw poor people and visit to town of leprous patient. According to his diary, he thought that poor people just dying to do not anything else. Poverty is kill the people. Since that time, he fall into Marxism.

II. Revolution of cuba
Following to Che guevara`s memoirs. At the town of leprous patient. He saw the hell and He cried out his inability for to did not anything.

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[영어스피치] Information entertainment speech 체게바라의일생
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