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[사회변동론A+] Low birth rate phenomenon - In terms of Functionalism and Conflict theory

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최종 저작일
12페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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[사회변동론A+] Low birth rate phenomenon - In terms of Functionalism and Conflict theory


- A brief description of the social change
Summary of theories
1. Functionalism
2. Conflict theory
3. Some points of similarities between two theories
4. Some points of differences between two theories
Explanation of phenomenon through two theories
1. Functionalism
2. Conflict theory


There sure are many reasons for low birth rates. To elaborate such reasons there are financial burden of child rearing, a shortage of social infrastructure and change of lifestyle. If we look at this issue, we can easily find out the change of power moving from men to both sides of parents. Also, many parts of manual labor deprived people, housewives in particular, of their traditional work at home. Mainly, highly differentiated corporations began to take place of realm of home. This is understood as “colonization of lifeworld” by Habermas. Adopting his theory, we can assume parents’ right of child rearing can be taken away from various social organizations.
Low birth rate is just a key word of this paper. A lot of causes and results are interrelated with one another. Also, we cannot regard a whole society simply as united and harmonious one. Korean government is working on a solution to solve this problem.
We chose two theories from classic sociology to understand the ‘low birth rate’ in a sociological sense. We are going to consider Functionalism and Conflict theory as our central two theories on this paper.
In terms of functionalism, the family is believed to have a function in entire structure of entire society. In conjunction with social structure change, family was forced to change its power structure and forms. Therefore, family is expected to adapt its structure to social changes.
In conflict theory, we will focus on power game between man and wife. We assume that there are conflicts between couples because each of them tries to make a good father or mother. These conflicts between couples basically ignited with woman’s social advance. Competent women now can earn more money with their jobs than men do. So they don’t have to do their routine chores. At some point, they are finally making themselves free from a male-dominated society.

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[사회변동론A+] Low birth rate phenomenon - In terms of Functionalism and Conflict theory
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