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On‐Campus Housing vs. Off‐Campus Housing

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On‐Campus Housing vs. Off‐Campus Housing




This chapter is about Louise Colet- Flaubert’s longest held mistress. What is most peculiar about this chapter is that it is written in the point of view of Louise Colet. She is not talking to the general audience; rather she is speaking to a particular person- whoever that may be. Thus, she starts the chapter by urging that person to take her arm. Then she goes on to talk about her relationship with Gustave.
In the beginning of the chapter, she declared that she did not need Flaubert. She is a renowned lady of that era, befriended with many famous artists such as Victor Hugo, Beranger, Musset, Vigny, and Champfleury. She expresses how Gustave had the provincial air, eager to fit into the artistic circles. Considering these circumstances, she should not have fallen for Gustave; however, she sentimentally says that you are chosen by love rather than choosing to love somebody.
Next, she talks about Gustave as a lover. With boldness, she narrates that Gustave was eager and by no means shy. However, although she delighted in his strength, she criticizes that he wrongly equates passion with how many times he can make love in one night. Adding on to this she claims that she is different from prostitutes and grisettes. To prove this she talks about how Gustave sent her flowers that he kissed that she could masturbate with. But this sentiment did not last long and she was brutally rejected by Gustave.
She actually visited Croisset to persuade Gustave from breaking up the relationship with her. He refused to let her enter into his own house; he condescended her by seeing her at the hotel she is staying at. She talks about how he could not hear what she was saying. After this tragedy, she fled to England. She could no longer stay in France.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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