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Overseas Marketing and Advertisement of Levi Strauss & Co. in Korea: Localization As an Opportunity For a Turnover

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


국제경영론 시간에 정말 열심히 썼던 레포트입니다. 학점은 A+이구요-
수업시간에 잘쓴사람 6명 뽑아서 따로 프리젠테이션 시켰는데 그것도 했습니다
기말 대체 레포트였던지라 참고자료도 빵빵하구요, 8페이지 자료에 도표와 실례로 찍은 사진들, 자료 조사한 광고들도 많이 들어있답니다- ^^
해외경영사례로 리바이스의 한국경영을 예로 들면서 광고에 초점을 두어 썼습니다.


1. Fall of the Origin of Jeans
2. Levi’s Korea
3. Analysis of Local Advertisement Campaign
3-1. Change of the Brand Image
3-2. Localization of Advertisement
3-3. Wrapping Advertisement
4. Analysis of Product Differentiation
5. Future of Levi’s Korea
6. References


Its fame has been faded, however, as the fashion trend was changed, which Levi’s couldn’t catch up with. New fashion item, baggy style jean, of other competitors that successfully followed the change of the trend gave Levi’s downfall in sales revenue and net losses. Sales revenue dropped from USD 7.1billion in 1994 to USD 4billion in 2004. Considering inflation during the decade, it was radical decrease. Levi’s took some strategies to overcome the situation: it closed its factories in United States and moved them into other countries where labor is cheap, or outsourced its goods to reduce manufacturing cost. Moreover the company partly gave up its standardization strategies by taking adaptation of various strategies according to different cultural societies. It took seven years, though, for Levi Strauss & Co. to show the signal of a turnaround.
While Levi’s as a multinational corporation was going through all the difficulties, things were little different in Korea. Levi’s Korea had already made its complete turnaround in 2002, ranked second the most profitable overseas branch of Levi’s & Co. in 2003. As a result, in the same year on May, marketing division of Levi’s Korea received Koshland Award which is the most authoritative award within the company. During that fiscal period, Levi’s Korea took 9 % of sales quantity with 34 % of sales revenue in overall Korean market of jeans.
The undoubted success of Levi’s Korea is mainly due to its marketing strategies putting emphasis on localization. In this paper, Levi’s Korea will be briefly introduced, and main strategies of the firm will be addressed. Thoroughly discussed advertisement strategies and product differentiation of the company will be followed.

참고 자료

Hill, W. L. Charles. (2007). Global Business Today (pp. 473-474). NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Benady, Alex. (2005, February 14). Levi’s looks to the bottom line. Financial Times. From http://www.ft.com/home/europe

Sam-Il, Sam-Jung Corporation, financial statements of Levi Strauss Korea from http://dart.fss.or.kr/

Naver Blog, wrapping advertisement of Levi’s Korea at COEX mall, from http://blog.naver.com/angelmia/70021017467
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Overseas Marketing and Advertisement of Levi Strauss & Co. in Korea: Localization As an Opportunity For a Turnover
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