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Analysis of Creating a Defensive System against WMD Proliferation

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
27페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


WMD(nuclear, bio-chemical weapons) 관련 영문레포트 입니다


1. Introduction
2. Analysis of the Characteristics and Use of WMD
1) The Characteristics of WMD
2) The Power and Effect of WMD
3) Types of WMD
Types of Nuclear Weapons
Types, Symptoms & Spread of Biochemical Weapons
4). Cases of WMD Use
3. Analysis of WMD Non Proliferation Measures
4. Analysis of Defense System against WMD
5. Conclusion


As time passes and our world becomes more technologically developed. But, there is no one who can predict what is going to happen in the future when new technology is developed and can say that high technology always bring us more benefit and more peaceful world. The high technology has an ambivalent characteristic; when it is used by good intent, it can bring a great deal of benefit to people, but when used by bad intent, it can bring horrible disasters to whole mankind. For instance, the worst case of bad using of high technology is surely the development of WMD(weapons of mass destruction).
Nuclear Power is a source of energy which has many benefits. Nuclear energy is less expensive because it is based on uranium which is very accessible. But Nuclear Power has been used in the last hundred years for the manufacture of Nuclear Weapons like A-Bombs (atomic bombs) and H-Bombs (hydrogen bombs). Nuclear Weapons are weapons of mass destruction. A single weapon can be capable of destroying of seriously disabling an entire city. Nuclear Weapons have many disadvantages. The use of them can lead to a world crisis as every time a bomb explodes the lives of millions of people are affected and those close to the explosion are vaporized in a split second. And nowadays biochemical weapons are as dangerous as nuclear weapons and the threat is growing all the time as technology develops. Use of biochemical weapons has awoken so much critique and fear among people that many international agreements have been made regarding the use and research of biochemical weapons.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Analysis of Creating a Defensive System against WMD Proliferation
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