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Examples of too much violence on television

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6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Examples of too much violence on television




In modern society, many people spend a lot of time watching television. Television provides enjoyment for viewers through various interesting and exciting programs and it also gives a lot of political, economical, educational, cultural and environmental information. Furthermore, there are ‘Play School’ and ‘Hugh’s Cooking Adventure’. These programs help to develop viewer’s originality and promote their ability. However, television can be negative, because there is excessive violence. Violence is a credible threat of physical force, or the application of physical force, intended to cause physical harm to an animate being or group of beings. Violent scenes affect people addicting them and making them deadened to us. As a result, it causes imitation crimes.

참고 자료

1. Television reference
 Simpson(17/05/07 Thurday Ten 6.00-6.30)
 Low&Order AVU(17/05/07 Thurday Ten 8.30-9.30)
 Priates of the Caribian(18/05/07 Friday Prime 9.00-11.25)
 The specialist(18/05/07 Friday Win 11.25-)
2. Huston, A.C. et al. Big World, Small Screen : The Role of Television in American Society. Lincion, NE : University of Nebraska Press, 1992
3. Heffery Hohnson et al. “Television Viewing and Aggressive Behavior During Adolescence and Adulthood”, Science 295
4. Madigan, Tim. “TV shows and Video Games Teach Children to Kill Psychologist Says, “Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
5. Justin Healey, Issues in society, volume 186, The Spinney Press, PO Box 1469, Australia May 2003.
6. http://archives.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/parenting/03/28/kids.tv.violence/index.html March 28, 2002 Posted : 4:32 PM EST (2132 GMT) 07/05/07, “Study links TV viewing among kids to later violence”
7. http:// new.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/entertainment/6584893.stm 07/05/07, Last updated : Monday, 23 April 2007, 15:50 GMT 16:50 UK, “TV soaps too violent, Ofcom says”
8. http://www.parentstv.org/ptc/publications/reports/stateindustryviolence/main.asp 07/05/07
9. Justin Healey, “Violence on television”(Information brochure N5 November 1997), “Using television sensibly”(Information brochure N6 November 1997), Issues in society, volume 130, The Spinney Press, Australia
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