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<영어 에세이> Homelessness : why the rate of homelessness is rising

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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왜 선진국에서 더 많이 홈리스들이 생기는지에 대해서 서술하였습니다




All over the world the rate of homelessness has been rising over the past 20-25yerars. Homelessness is linked inextricably with poverty. But the odd thing about this problem is that developed countries have more homeless people than developing countries. For example, despite the fact the NY has a good social support system and boasts strong public finance, it is known to have the highest rate of homelessness. Why are there many homeless people, even they are developed and rich? There are several reasons.

Firstly, the shortage of affordable housing contributes to the increasing issue of homelessness. The rents in developed country increase along economic growth. But the income of people doesn’t follow this trend. Generally the proper rents are set as 30%of income, and experts regard this as the best affordable rents. Recently rent for 2bedrooms in a fair market is around 816$ per month. This price can be afforded by 50 hours of work a week (if the wage is 16$ per a hour). A rent of 816$ per month requires 8hours every day works without any days off Frankly in this situation people cannot help but seek less expensive housing that have low quality. If they can’t find affordable housing there is a strong probability that they become homeless.

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&lt;영어 에세이&gt; Homelessness : why the rate of homelessness is rising
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