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Strategic Management, “Having a Competitive Advantage is like having a gun in a knife fight.”

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20페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Strategic Management, “Having a Competitive Advantage is like having a gun in a knife fight.”에 관련된 영국 MBA 대학원에서 제출되어 좋은 점수를 받은 영문리포트 입니다.

Strategic Management에서 Classical한 질문으로 현제 비지니스 환경등을 분석하고 적절한 예시까지 분석된 최상의 영문리포트입니다. 많은도움이 되시길 바랍니다.



Competitive Advantage

Importance of Competitive Advantage

Today’s Business Environment





The article talks about the meaning of Competitive advantage and what it offers to companies. It furthers analyzing the business environment of today and uses the framework provided by Poerter and Hao Ma to analyze what is the best way for companies to generate within themselves competitive advantage. The article offers real life examples as well as personal experiences to relate the concept of value addition and competitive advantage in a more practical and readily understood manner.

“Having a competitive advantage is like having a gun in a knife fight.”


Reading the statement the first time, I did a double take. It couldn’t be; the professor couldn’t have possibly meant it? Or am I reading it wrong… then the golden words of some wise saint of this century entered my mind… “When in doubt, Google it.”

참고 자료

Ma, Hao. 1999, Anatomy of competitive advantage: a SELECT framework. Management Decision. 709±718

Mitchell, Dinald & Coles, Carol. 2003. The ultimate Competitive Advantage of Business Model Innovation. Journal of Business Strategy. Pg 15- 21

Lopez, Salvador V. 2005. Competitive advantage and strategy formulation :The key role of dynamic capabilities. Management Decision . Vol. 43 No. 5. pp. 661-669

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Beaver, Graham & Prince, Christopher. 2002. Innovation, entrepreneurship and Competitive advantage. Journal of Small Business Development. Volume 9, No. 1. p 28- 37

Ma, Hao. 2002. Competitive advantage: whats luck got to do with it. Management Decision. P 525- 536

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Ma, Hao. 1999. Creation and preemption of competitive advantage. Management Decision. P 259 – 266

Sadri, Golnaz & Lees, Brian. Developing Corporate Culture as Global Advantage. Journal of Management Development. Vol 10. no.10. MCB university press. P 853- 859

Ma, Hao. 2004. Toward global competitive advantage Creation, competition, cooperation, and co-option. Management Decision. Vol. 42 No. 7. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. pp. 907-924

McGrath, Micheal & Gilmore, Dean. 1995. Achieving growth, competitive advantage and increased profits. World Class Design to Manufacture. Volume 2 • Number 6 •MCB University Press • • pp. 11–16

Barney, J.B. (1991), ``Firm resources and sustained. competitive advantage``, Journal of Management, 17, pp. 99-120.

Porter, M.E. (1980), Competitive Strategy, Free Press, New York, NY.

Prahalad, C.K. and Hamel, G. (1990), ``The core competence of corporations``, Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp. 79-91.

Dess, Gregory G. & Alex Miller. 1993. Strategic Management. McGraw Hill International Edition.

Bruce A.Pasternack and Albert. J. Viscio, 1998. "The Centerless Corporation"

Davis, S. and Meyer, C., 1998. "Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy"
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Strategic Management, “Having a Competitive Advantage is like having a gun in a knife fight.”
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