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[실용영어2 레포트&중간고사대비] Unit 4. lesson 3 The Easter Island Statues본문 한글번역

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부산대학교 밀양캠퍼스 Unit4. lesson3의 본문번역 내용입니다.




When the first sailing ship came to Easter Island in 1722, the captain and crew were afraid to land. They saw giants looking down at them from the high cliffs. The giants
didn`t move, so the ship slowly moved closer. Finally, the sailors realized that the giants were starues. Who made these huge statues? How did they get there?
Easter Island is a very small island in the Pacific Ocean. It is more than 2,000 miles from the nearest continent (South America). It is one of the most isolated places on
The biggest statue on Easter Island is over 60 feet high and weighs over 100 tons. There are hundreds of smaller ones, about 15 feet high. All of the statues are made of stone, and some wear stone hats. Their faces are solemn and unsmiling.
Earlier inhabitants of Easter Island made the statues from the rocks in a volcanic crater. Next, they had to move the statues a long distance. In some cases, they moved the statues to locations more than ten miles away.

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[실용영어2 레포트&중간고사대비] Unit 4. lesson 3 The Easter Island Statues본문 한글번역
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