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Who Is God? Gerard Manley Hopkins Explores

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Who Is God?
Gerard Manley Hopkins Explores


Who Is God? Gerard Manley Hopkins Explores



Who Is God? Gerard Manley Hopkins Explores

Who is God? A theme that Gerard Hopkins seems to have spent his life exploring and attempting to answer through his poetry. By exploring nature around him, Hopkins adds insight to God‘s relationship with and essential role to man- that of creator and redeemer. In his poem The Windhover, we see a prayer to God as the all-powerful being in which we attempt to give ourselves fully over to- and through the observance of a falcon we see Christ`s descent from heaven to save mankind. The images in God`s Grandeur further Hopkins` exploration by following man`s sinful nature, oblivion to grace and hope of salvation through Christ. Suggesting that the Almighty`s grandeur comes from redemption of the unworthy. By harmonizing these poems the reader can begin to uncover Hopkins` understanding of the greatness of God and mankind`s relationship with him through salvation and grace.
Throughout the octave of his sonnet, God`s Grandeur, Hopkins uses the natural imagery to explore the Biblical acts of creation, fall of man, Christ`s sacrifice, and his disgust of man`s continuance in sin and destruction of nature to show just how unworthy of God`s grace man is. Through the act of creation Hopkins establishes that God`s power is absolute and eternal. The world is charged with the grandeur of God. This speaks to the spark that started creation-

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Who Is God? Gerard Manley Hopkins Explores
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