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The Great Gatsby

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


The Great Gatsby의 줄거리 및 감상(영문)문입니다.


•Whole Summary
•Chapter Summary
•Chapter 1 West Egg and East Egg
•Chapter 2 Mrs. Wilson
•Chapter 3 Meeting Mr. Gatsby
•Chapter 4 Gatsby and Daisy
•Chapter 5 The Tea Party
•Chapter 6 Gatsby’s Party
•Chapter 7 Hot Afternoon
•Chapter 8 Accident
•Chapter 9 Murder
•Chapter 10 Saying Goodbye
•Words and Question


•Whole Summary
Gatsby was a son of a poor farmer. He wanted to get new life, so he changed his name.
One day, he fell in love with Daisy and she loved him, too. She was beautiful and rich. Gatsby wanted have the position like Daisy’s but he was so poor. He joined the army for the war, and after the war was over, he didn’t return home because of some reasons. Daisy wanted to have her life shaped, so she married Tom, a rich man.
After that, Gatsby tried to earn much money by every way and he bought the grand house across Daisy’s house. He held many parties to meet Daisy but he couldn’t meet her. One day he got to know Nick Carraway, his neighbor and Daisy’s relative, and he was able to meet Daisy again for Nick’s help. Gatsby often met Daisy in his house and he wished her to return to him.
One day, Gatsby had a quarrel with Tom about whom Daisy loved, and she was very confused by it. So she went home with Gatsby before Tom, but on her way home, she ran over a woman who was Tom’s lover.

참고 자료

The Great Gatsby
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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