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전쟁에 따른 IT의 양상(전쟁과 IT)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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전쟁에 따른 IT변화양상(전쟁과 IT)에 대한 리포트입니다.
80/100 맞았습니다.(University of Sydnety: Computer Science and Technology)


Main issues
Issue 1 Cyber war
Issue 2 Electronic bomb
Issue 3 Blog



Many military professionals say Gulf War II was a start of information technology war. It is true that many information technologies are newly used in Gulf War II and it has changed war in several ways. Information technologies now warn people against war, reduce human injury and avoid physical destruction. It is irony that the science technology which developed weapons to kill more people is now used to warn people, reduce human injury or even disabling the weapons that they have developed. Evolution of information technology in this way will change war more and more to cyber war and even will change the meaning of war. In my personal opinion, this is what technology should head toward. Although new technology is incapacitating all the weapons which also is a product of technology, it is worth evolving.

참고 자료

Al-Jazeera hobbled by DDOS attack:
By Paul F. Roberts, IDG News Service http://www.infoworld.com/article/03/03/26/HNjazeera_1.html

Iraqi Television Put out of Operation by Secret Experimental "Electronic" Bomb:

Salam Pax
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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