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The out line of American literature

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Summary Chapter 7




Chapter. 7 The Era of Realism and Naturalism

American writers were moving toward realism in literature by 1875. The fist Theory for American realism is William Dean Howells (1837-1920). Realism became the ”main stream” of American literature under him. He put his realist theories into practice in his novels. One of his earlier novels, The theme of “A Modern Instance“ (1882), was about divorce. It shocked the public because a subject which was not talked and written about openly. His next novel is “The Rise of Silas Lapham“(1885). It is about an ordinary, uneducated man who becomes rich in the paint business. In A Hazard of New Fortunes (1890) seems to turn away from the “smiling aspects” of society. It is the story of a man who learns about the terrible suffering of poor people in society. Later, he began to write “utopian” novels about an ideal society with perfect justice and happiness. “A Traveler from Altruria” and “Through the Eye of the Needle” showed his utopian literature.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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