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마늘에대한 간단한 역사적 소개, 효능, 선택방법과 저장방법, 마늘에서 냄새가나는 이유, 식용이외의 다른 쓰임등으로 구성되어 있습니다.




My favorite food, garlic is one of the most healthy and useful foods in the world. Garlic has been called일해백리 (Eel Hae Baeck Lee) from ancient times. The ‘Eel’ means one, ‘Hae’ means defect, ‘Baeck’ means one hundred, and ‘Lee’ means benefit. Therefore, the mean is that garlic has one hundred benefits except for only the smell. Garlic is not only good for health but also good for beauty. Garlic is among the oldest known horticultural crops. It has been used all over the world for thousands of years. In the Old World, Egyptian and Indian cultures ate garlic 5000 years ago. According to the founding myth of the Korean nation a bear ate only wormwood and garlic to be a human for 100 days about 4000 years ago. The bear bore with stoical fortitude, and finally the bear became a woman. She got married with a king who lived in the sky, and they had a baby. The baby founded Ko Cho Sun, which was the origin of Korea, when he grew up. Based on the myth, Koreans have eaten garlic for thousands of years.

참고 자료

Filippone, Peggy Trowbridge. “Why does garlic smell?” About : Home Cooking. <http://homecooking.about.com/od/cookingfaqs/f/faqgarlicsmell.htm>.
“Integrative Medicine Access-Garlic.” Arp 2002. Alternativemedicine.com. <http://www.alternativemedicine.com/common/adam/DisplayMonograph.asp?storeID=02AD61F001A74B5887D3BD11F6C28169&name=ConsHerbs_Garlicch>.
Jas, Ashi. “Do You Know the Health Benefits of Garlic?” 15 Mar 2007. EzineArticles.com. <http://ezinearticles.com/?Do-You-Know-the-Health-Benefits-of-Garlic?&id=489530>.
“Kitchen Dictionary: Garlic.” Recipezaar. 2007. <http://www.recipezaar.com/library/getentry.zsp?id=165>.
“Myths- &-Legends-of-Garlic.” Herbs for Health. 2005. <http://www.herbs-4-health.net/Myths-&-Legends-of-Garlic.html>.
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