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Fat women have less income than thin women.

NEW YORK - On the 22nd The ABC Brodcasting Company in the U.S.A reported that overweight women had less income than thinner women.

D.r John Colyin of Cornell University said that according to a survey of 1500 of women, overweight women earned about 7% less income than thinner women. The average weight of the subjects in the study was 67kg and the weight of the overweight women was 29kg above the average.

D.r John Colyn stated that in many cases discrimination in their companys was the cause of this condition. He said that it was a fact that over-weight women were promoted less and were given less economic opportunities than thinner women.

Walter Ninstrom, the head of the Fatness Law Inquiry Center, added that fat women were restricted in employment, salary and so forth. He pointed out that fat women were discriminated against because their appearance was not good for the company`s image and he said that it was like racial discrimination.

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