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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영어발표 수업시간에 손기정선수를 가지고 번역 하여 발표수업한 내용입니다.간단한 번역으로 의심없이 쓸수있는 내용입니다.




Before Begin my presentation, I show some picture to everyone.
Whould you see these pictures, and you guesses once what the subject?
Do you guess what it is?
The hero of this picture was champion on olympic.
But we can find that he look so sad.
From now we will introduce about the reason and this people.
Songijung.... Olympic gold medal list of the initial.
He must have most happy moment, but he must be sad.
Because, it was not to be Korean National flag hanged on his chest, it was Japanese national flag.
He was borne the peace in the sineuiju in 1912
He was graduated the yangjung high ordinary school.
And he was graduated Japan mei-ji university law department
He liked runing when he was young
We continued runing though he did the work of a shop-assistant and pressman.
He began marathon from a high school.
Especially It was the time when he worked in China
He ran the distance over the 8 kilo everyday for save carfare.
He had sick of such poverty days. It made him the medalist of the initial.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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