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[인문]Families in the society

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


한국의 이기주의의 만연함으로 우리 한국가족에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지 영어로 작성한 레폿입니다.


Main point: Social individually causes family’s problems.


Body1. Korea’s divorce rate has been increased.
 Many Women want to enjoy their life.
 Many families forget the importance of family.
 Government can make effects to help Korean recognize the importance of families.
2. Korea is keen on birth rate.
 Many families don’t want to children
 Explain Sweden’s example.
 Governments continually need to tell about children’s importance.
3. Many families abandon their elderly.
 Many families considerer that supporting their parents is heavy a burden.
 Governments need to give them job.
 We can install confidence in them.
In conclusion


These days, disruption of families is becoming a topic of conversation in Korea. “Disruption of family” means that members of family don’t play roles well. In other words, the family’s system is collapsing because of family members. Why is this happening? Absolutely, there are many reasons but I think relationships within families is the most important factor. Many people claim that “Difficult economic problems make people hard life.” But people in old times lived hard lives and most of them had no choice but to share everything with each other because a government office collected taxes by a village at Choson Dynasty.

참고 자료

Jo, Jueun. Hyendeagahuk ieagi. Seoul,Korea: Igase, 2002

Kim, MeaungJa. MinsokMounhwea Mooeatei edeuhge veanhanenga?. Seoul, Korea: Jimmoondand, 2001.

Lee, Dongwon. hangukgajokea hyuenjusu. Seoul, Korea: Hakjisa, 2002

Lee, Youjin. [“Korea may well follow Sweden’s example about law birth rates.”] Hankyoreh. 14 sept. 2006: 12

Schirrmacher, Frank. Gajokea weaginea?(Minimum.Yonhee Choi.) Seoul,Korea: Cosmos, 2006
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]Families in the society
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