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[인문]Dialogue between Adam and Eve: Narrative of Paradise Lost 실락원을 통해 본 아담과 하와의 대화

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최종 저작일
8페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영문학 시간에 Paradise Lost 실락원의 아담과 하와에 관하여 쓴 영문 레포트입니다.




John Milton deals the longstanding issue of good and evil through Paradise Lost, employing the theme of losing paradise and the first apostasy of the human. He tried to explain If God really exist, why evil is widespread and what the meaning human beings` suffering is, as a point of a christian himself; if human being is rational, why the world is imbued with chaos and absurdity, as a person who went through the era of humanism; why the result of following the ideal way God suggested to us had to go through degeneration, defection, and finally destruction, as a person who observed the whole process of the Puritan Revolution and the Restoration of Royal Rule. As a first step toward these questions, John Milton focused on the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Paradise, writing 12 volumes of mighty epic on the reason, process, and result of the expulsion.
Given that our class was about the background of English literature and Bible, I`d like to focus on John Milton`s Paradise Lost as a variation of the Bible. Since his work is based upon the Genesis, I believe this research will be helpful to understand how Milton interpreted the Bible. Specially by dealing with the dialogue between Adam and Eve, we will get to know what language they used and what the characteristics of their cognition are.
Adam and Eve had an ability to talk, but there was substantial difference between Adam`s and Eve`s. As shown in Eve`s self-saying in Book Ⅳ and Adam`s talking to Raphael in Book Ⅷ, Milton described the process of their being created and getting consciousness differently. When Adam and Eve talk to each other, usually Eve questions to Adam and Adam teaches Eve.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]Dialogue between Adam and Eve: Narrative of Paradise Lost  실락원을 통해 본 아담과 하와의 대화
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