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Helping Phoenix’s Grandson’s Poison Treatment

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Eudora Welty에 A Worn Path를 읽고 이 책과 연관해서 독극물 관리와 중독이후에 대처방법에 대한 research paper입니다....


Thesis: After swallowing a poison, Phoenix’s grandson could be suffering from some complications that can be solved by poison-prevention or charcoal treatment.

I. Swallowing poison can cause serious problems especially for children.

II. During the past 50 years, the death rate from poisons has decreased dramatically.

III. Despite poison-prevention efforts, an accidental poisoning may occur.

IV. Ipecac is safe and the only recommended method of inducing emesis.

V. Activated charcoal is the most effective intervention for reducing the bioavailability of ingested substances.

VI. If Phoenix’s grandson had poison-prevention or charcoal treatment, he should not have suffered from some of the complications that occur after swallowing a poison.


Most people consider that their homes are safe havens or a calm oasis in the dizzy world. However, according to statistics, most poisonings (more than 90%) are accidental and occur in the victim’s house. Furthermore, most victims (nearly 70%) are children (Hyams 13). The American Association of Poison Control Centers announced that approximately 1.2 million children who are younger than six years take in a poisonous substance each year (Ressel 741). In “A Worn Path,” Phoenix’s grandson swallowed a poison, lye, three years ago. His symptoms are pretty serious: “Yes. Swallowed lye. When was it–January-two-three years ago” and “Every little while his throat begin to close up again, and he not able to swallow. He not get his breath. He not able to help himself” (Welty 58). After swallowing the poison, Phoenix’s grandson could be suffering from some complications that can be solved by poison-prevention or activated charcoal treatment.

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