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푸미폰 국왕의 정치 사회적 역할(2001년~현재) 영문기사 스크랩

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59페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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푸미폰 국왕의 정치 사회적 역할(2001년~현재) 영문기사 스크랩 입니다.




. September 25, 2006 (TIME) - Dark Days for Democracy
Thailand takes a perilous turn as a coup d`état places it once again under military rule
She came prepared for a violent protest and ended up staying for a bloodless coup. Charas-sri Kasetkala traveled 12 hours by train from Thailand`s southern Songkhla province to join a planned rally last Wednesday designed to pressure caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to step down. In the spring, daily demonstrations by tens of thousands of people in Bangkok had nearly forced the embattled leader out of office. Early last week, the masses wanted to try again, despite rumors that forces loyal to Thaksin might try to break up the protests. Charas-sri`s complaints about the billionaire PM were legion. Like many in Thailand, the 50-year-old was disgusted by the administration`s alleged corruption and nepotism, exemplified by the tax-free sale of Thaksin`s family-business stake to a Singaporean conglomerate for $1.9 billion. But Charas-sri, who brought her young grandson to Bangkok with her, was mostly outraged by the Thai leader`s guns-blazing approach in the nation`s largely Muslim south, a policy she blamed for the escalating violence that has claimed 1,700 lives since 2004.

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