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[영어]가전회사 Electrolux에 대한 모든 것

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


유명한 가전회사 Electrolux에 대한 모든 것입니다. 회사에 대한 소개, 진출산업분야, case study 3개, 분석까지 들어있습니다. 발표 A+ 받았습니다.


1. What is Electrolux?

2. Case Discussion Questions

3. Critical factor of successful expansion

4. Electrolux`s present condition


2-3. Why does Electrolux prefer FDI?
It is likely that given the aggressive approach that Electrolux has taken in market expansion, that the company realizes that globalization is not just a trend, but in reality that will continue to effect world economy. No doubt they view the whole world as a market. This being the case, barriers still exist for them to gain a global market share. For example, tariffs on some foreign products can dramatically increase the cost to consumers in the countries that import these products. Often, these tariffs are designed to protect the jobs of the competitors in the host countries. Transportation costs associated with certain products being exported to other countries can also have similar effects on consumer prices. Research has shown that in many cases it is more economical for a company to have production facilities close to the consumer market in which they desire to expand. These are some likely reasons for the preference that Electrolux has shown in using foreign direct investments, as opposed to exports, in gaining a share in foreign markets.

2-4. What theory is fit to Electrolux`s FDI?
The household appliances that are manufactured by Electrolux find many competitors worldwide. Some of these companies, along with Electrolux, are major players in the global marketplace. Rival companies such as General Electric, Whirlpool, and Bosch-...

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