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[에세이]Palace of Versailles (descriptive essay) 베르사유궁전 묘사

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최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


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직접 첨삭도 해준 에세이구요.
30점만점에 27점받았습니다.
묘사에세이 쓰실때 많은도움되실겁니다^^




A half hour outside of Paris, the Palace of Versailles is one of the world`s grandest historical museums. In 1624, Louis XIII, the King of France, began the building of a hunting lodge in the small village of Versailles. Around the Palace of Versailles, there are systematic roads, beautiful trees lining a street, a gorgeous and radiant palace, and gardens, all traces of the ‘absolute monarchy’ that built them. The Palace itself is that part of the horizontal axis which in appearance is built as the forward part of a figure U. It has become the representative building of ‘Baroque style’.

The Palace is composed of two floors, a famous chapel with a ceiling painting and sculpture on top of the altar, and an opera room used for celebrating the marriage of Marie Antoinette with Louis XVI, on the first floor. The second floor is made up of 15 rooms, large and small, including the bedroom of Louis XIV, La Galerie des Glaces(mirror room) and others. In addition, when passing by the yard in the Palace going to the Palace, one is surprised by the splendor and scale of the museum’s collection. One might also be further surprised at the enormousness and elaborateness of the stretch of garden in the back.

That garden is a masterpiece garden in the French style, which is composed of a geometric and reflected Western aspect that integrates nature with human art such as a waterway and water spring in the garden.

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[에세이]Palace of Versailles (descriptive essay) 베르사유궁전 묘사
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