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[국제마케팅][영문] Business (& Legal) Conditions in China / 한국인의 관점에서...

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최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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영국 노팅엄대학 재학 시절 중 중국 비즈니스 시간에 제출했던 리포트입니다.
다소 인문학적 관점에서 접근하였으며, 꽌시(Guanxi), 체면-미앤쯔(Mianzi), 파벌-파이시(Paixi) 등 비즈니스 컨디션에 꼭 필요한 독특한 문화 소개에서부터, 실질적인 비즈니스 환경 그리고 법적 환경까지 다양한 소재를 한국인의 관점에서 다루고자 노력하였습니다.


I. Intro
The Main goal of paper
Box : Why the view of Koreans?

II. Understanding Chinese Unique concepts
Guanxi – the connection
Mianzi – the face
Paixi – the factionalism

III. Politics and Business
Shanghai Bang and Qinghua Bang – understanding the government cabinet
Box : Why the politics play a great role in Business?

IV. Doing Business in China
Long term negotiation
Chinese people never shows their final cards

V. Chinese legal system
The failure of Giant

VI. Conclusion

VII. References


The Main goal of paper
Now the writer wants to analyze the business condition in China. He mainly focuses on the cultural differences on the view of business. In other words, he is writing an essay about understanding Chinese culture when doing business in China though it has no relation with corporate finance. As the statistics showed, only 35.4% of Korean companies make a profit in China. A half of companies faced serious crises and thought about evacuating from Chinese market. Some foreign investors have failed and withdrawn, such as Peugeot and Carlsberg and they wasted too much time to seek re-entry. The writer primarily wanted to know why this happened only in China before knowing financial activities including evaluation of Chinese companies and fund-raising to do business in China.

참고 자료

China goes global, FT Press, 2006
China Business Resources, Adam Dupre, 2003
Pepsi was one of the earliest multinational companies, FDI magazine, 2002
To Raise Sino-British Economic Cooperation to a New Level, Ambassador Zha Peixin, 2003

Korean Companies in China, Kim Youjin, 2005
The China Monthly report, Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2006
7 Business codes, Takahashi Akira, 2004
Doing Business in China – A framework for cross-cultural understanding, Gregory E. Osland, 2002
China Leaders, Li Cheng, 2001
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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[국제마케팅][영문] Business (& Legal) Conditions in China / 한국인의 관점에서...
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