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[영어레포트]영문라이팅의 어려운점 ( 영어버전)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
27페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


이글은 영어로 라이팅을 하는 학생들이 어떠한 어려움을 격는지 그리고 해결책은 무었인지에 대한 기술한 레포트입니다.. 저작권은 저에게 있고 레퍼런스는 APA 방식을 따라으면 FORMAL한 형식임을 알려 드립니다..


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Terms of Reference


Table of Contents

List of Illustrations

Executive Summary

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Literature Review

3.0 Method

3.1 Sample

3.2 Questionnaire

3.3 Procedure

4.0 Finding

5.0 Discussion

6.0 Recommendations

7.0 Conclusion

8.0 List of Recommendation

< Reference List >

Appendix A: Questionnaires
Appendix B: Original essay


Executive Summary

This report is to offer recommendations on the issue of implementation of the difficulties of academic writing in QIBT. Among the international students at QIBT were picked and studied by means of questionnaire especially Asian students. The main finding discovers the difficulties of Asian students and explains the information. Then recommendations will be discussed. It might be a good recommendation to improve writing skills in western style of an essay.

Nowadays, there are a lot of English second language students (ESL) in the world, especially in Australia and the United States which have large, multicultural communities. ESL students have some problems when they study in universities. One of the big problems is the “western” style of academic education where you have to explain your thinking and ideas through writing. ESL students are normally unfamiliar with the “western” style of academic writing. It is the purpose of the paper to research the influence of cultural differences and educational systems on ESL students. To reach its purpose, the paper has two broad objectives. To examine first, how much academic writing is affected by the education systems that ESL students have experienced in their mother countries. To examine second, cultural difference, linguistics and rhetoric that may be relevant to academic writing. This report includes questionnaire which have the opinion of respondents, Finding, discussion and recommendations. The important sources of information used in the paper are proquest and literature that make up both qualitative and quantitative information about academic writing, culture, education systems, and the characteristics of ESL students.

참고 자료

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[영어레포트]영문라이팅의 어려운점 ( 영어버전)
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
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