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4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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성격을 오렌지의 특성에 비유하여 쓴 영작문입니다.




As time goes by, winter is coming. If someone ask me what the most popular fruit is, I will answer it is orange. Everyone must have had an experience to eat some oranges, watching TV or comic books in a warm blanket. When I think about the characteristics of oranges, the characteristics are pretty similar to mine in terms of its color, peel, and taste.
As most people know, oranges’color is orange. If people have to explain the orange color without using the word, "orange", it is really hard. The color is between yellow and red, but it is not enough to indicate the color. In contrast to Korean orange, sometimes called a mandarin orange or a tangerine, an orange has solid peels. That means it is hard to peel an orange. If there is a person who has not seen an orange, he or she will not know what is inside the orange. As a matter of fact, because it is so hard to peel, it takes so long to see what is inside it. Sometimes during peeling, we may bring tears to our eyes because of its juice, and our hands may smell an orange; nevertheless, if we already knew the taste inside it, we would never stop peeling in order to eat. Its taste is usually sweet but sometimes sour. Even though we sketch our face when we eat a sour orange, we will not feel bad because we expect the taste;

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