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[전자기학]기초 전자기학 (제3판[2장]-David J.Griffiths) -chapter.2

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chapter 2.Electrostatics problem의 솔루션입니다.
David J.Griffiths-[원서]


기초전자기학(Introduction to Electrodynamics)
- David J.Griffiths 원저
(chapter2. problem)


Chapter 2
Problem 2.1
(a) I Zero.!
(b) IF =_4 1 q~,I where r is the distance fromcenterto each numeral. F points towardthe missing q. 11"1=0r
Explanation: by superposition,this is equivalent to (a),with an extra-q at 6 o`clock-since the forceofall
twelveis zero,the net forceis thatof-q only.
(c)I Zero.I
(d)1-4 1 q~, I pointing towardthe missingq.Samereasonas (b).Note,however,thatifyou explained (b)as 1rr
a cancellation in pairs ofopposite charges(1o`clockagainst 7 o`clock;2 against 8,etc.),with one unpaired q
doing thejob, then you`ll need a differentexplanation for(d).
Problem 2.2
(a) "Horizontal"components cancel.Netverticalfieldis:Ez = 4;<02~ cosO.
q I -q
Fromfaraway,(z d),the fieldgoes like E ~ 4;<0~ z,which, aswe shall see,is the fieldofa.dipole.(Ifwe
setd -+0,wegetE = 0,asisappropriate;totheextentthatthisconfigurationlookslikea singlepointcharge
fromfaraway,thenetchargeiszero,soE -+0.)
1 2qz A
Here 1-2= Z2 + (~)2;cosO=i,so I E= 41r(Z2+ (~)2)3/2z.
When z d you`reso faraway itjust looks like a single charge2q;thefield
should reduce to E =_

참고 자료

기초전자기학 "교학사"


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