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[영문학]Metaphor and Metonymy

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3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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교환학생으로 미국 학교에서 영문학 수업들으면서 제출했던 과제물 입니다.
교수님과 스페셜 리스트들의 도움을 받아 몇번이나 수정을 한 결과물이며
교환학생 임에도 불구하고 좋은 성과를 얻은 과제물 입니다. (영어로 썼음)


1. analysis of Metaphor
- example : the poem “Metaphor” by Sylvia Plath
2. analysis of Metonymy
- example : the story, “The Things They Carried,” Tim O’Brien
3. effects
4. Conclusion


In this story, “The Things They Carried,” Tim O’Brien displays metonymy through the soldiers’ calling and the lists of the things they carried. The author refers to soldiers as legs or grunts: “They were called legs or grunts” (P. 208). Two words, legs and grunts, indicate soldiers, but the method of metonymy is different. First, legs are one part of soldier’s whole body. Legs play an important role when they march in the war. Therefore, the author calls soldiers legs which are a part of whole body. This figure of speech is synecdoche, “by which something is referred to indirectly, either by naming only some part or constituent of it.” However, grunts are not a part of soldiers, but they are closely associated them. That is, grunts are sounds made when marching soldiers carry things.

Moreover, the author describes the lists of the things they carried and the weight of the things. At first glance, the reader feels that the description seems insignificant, but it shows metonymy. Soldiers carry each interesting and precious things, such as a diary, comic books and letters as well as necessities to march on the war. Furthermore, they carry heavy emotion of fear, grief, and desire. Their life is dependent on items they will carry things is decided. The readers can guess their life through the things soldiers carry. Therefore, the title in “The Things They Carried,” shows soldiers’ lives, so this is metonymy. By using metonymy, Tim O’Brien creates that the readers can understand the effects of war, captures the readers to vivid expression and draws them into the story.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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