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[영작]The Positive Effects an Art Education can have on Childhood Brain Development

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최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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As a society we are always looking for ways to enhance the learning process of our children. It is startling that educators today have trouble seeing the answer, even though it is right in front of them. For years researchers have investigated whether exposure to the fine arts can effect brain development and have concluded fine arts do have a positive impact on the brain development of children. (Note: For the purposes of this discussion the term “fine arts” or “arts” refers to painting, drawing and sculpting.) Not only have scientists proven that art has a positive effect on the emotions and mood of a person, but a person with an extensive art education tends to have further development in the right middle frontal part of the brain. This part of the brain controls our imagination, our creativity, and our emotional consciousness. It is through this cortex that we understand visual forms better, as well as develop the fine motor skills of the hand. Without an extensive art education in the public schools, many children are

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[영작]The Positive Effects an Art Education can have on Childhood Brain Development
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