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[정보통신] 모바일 RFID

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최종 저작일
27페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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영문 리포트 **

모바일 RFID/USN에 대한
기술적, 경제적, 정책적 보고서입니다.
공학, 경영학, 정책수립 등에 유용한 자료입니다.

실제 리포트 작성시 사용한 발표자료입니다.

**영문발표자료로 활용
**저자가 직접 자료수입 분석한 자료


2. Introduction
-Project overview
-ubiquitous era에서의 핸드폰의 위상
-IT839정책중 3대 인프라로 RFID도입
-RFID의 도입과 그 파장 : information flow의 변화.
-이러한 배경에서, 본 페이퍼는 RFID기술, mobileRFID 컨셉과 application, 영향과, 그 한계를 알아봄.

RFID concept
RFID/USN 전망, 정책, 마일스톤
RFID market status and forecasting

4. Mobile RFID
Mobile RFID concept
RFID/Mobile RFID technology
Mobile RFID standardization

5. Mobile RFID applications
Mobile RFID application
Mobile RFID effects
Limitation of Mobile RFID

6. Conclusion
7. Reference


4.3. Limitations and challenges
With recent advancements in the RFID technology, the automatic identification data capture
industry is accelerating its efforts to identify new applications to take advantage of RFID. But
there are many limitations and challenges.
First, as is common with emerging technologies, several limitations and challenges must be
overcome for the technology to mature to its potential. In the case of RFID, these challenges
include: mature of RFID technology, harmonization of standards for hardware / software and
wireless spectrum operations, privacy and security concerns, and implementation cost barriers.
As these technical and policy challenges are mitigated, RFID will likely become the system of
choice for global commerce.
Second, Interoperability across various RFID systems, companies, and countries is critical to
achieving wide-scale deployment of RFID technology. Development of technical standards for
tags, readers, and interface systems; and allocation of operational limits for frequency and
transmission power will determine global interoperability.
Third, Initial system and implementation costs are still being refined; in the near-term this
could prove to be an impediment to large-scale adoption. Within small and medium-sized
enterprises, although RFID provides them with new opportunities to compete in the global
market, limited budgets, lack of in-house expertise, and a lack of access to new technologies
could be an impediment for adoption.
The last, the collection and use of personally identifiable information through RFID
technologies represents a key public policy challenge to the deployment and use of RFID
technologies. Much of this concern is with the collection, use, and storage of the data rather than
the technology itself. Industry-driven solutions are being to include a combination of
operational guidelines, technical solutions, and educational campaigns.

참고 자료

이근호외, RFID Handbook 2e, Youngjin.com, 2004
한국 모바일 RFID 포럼 http://www.mrf.or.kr
RFID 저널 http://www.rfidjournal.com
한국RFID/USN협회 http://www.karus.com
한국인터넷진흥원 http://www.nida.or.kr
김형준, IPv6 over RFID and Mobile RFID Services, ETRI, 2005,4
Ok-Hyun Ryou, Material for RFID/USN Application Group Seminar, Mobile RFID Forum, 2005, 4
Mobile RFID Forum, Application Requirements Profile for Mobile RFID-based Bus-Route Information Services,
고종현, 조영빈, RFID의 모바일 비즈니스 적용과 전망, EnterKiner Project Report, 2004, 11
E. Turban, D. King, Introduction to e-commerce, Prentice Hall, 2003
G Reynolds, RFID: A Practical Approach, Tyco
NIDA, “RFID 검색 시스템 구축 및 운영지침 v1.0”, 2004.12
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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