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[시 문학] The Life and Times of Edwin Arlington Robinson (에드윈 알링턴 로빈슨 의 생애와 그의 시)

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최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




Maine, in 1869, was a vast wilderness of untamed, virgin forests. 50 Miles from nowhere (the modern expression) was closer to 100 miles from nowhere. Maine is, has, and will always be a unique place. Mainers still have their uncommonly friendly personality with an old New England charm. And they still have an array of famous expressions from, “You can’t get there from here” all the way to “Yes sir, that’s wicked good”. Into this world, Edwin Arlington Robinson was born. His father was a wealthy timber merchant and Edwin was groomed, from an early age, to take over the family business. However, Edwin had other plans. Edwin had a love of poetry and he began writing at the age of 11. Around 1890, Robinson moved to Greenwich Village in New York. During this time he concentrated on his art and became a published poet. Throughout his life, Robinson gained patronage as a way to support his art. Among his patrons was Teddy Roosevelt. Robinson. Thanks to the support of his patrons was able to complete a score of books and win 3 Pulitzer Prizes. He died in 1935 at the ripe old age of 66.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[시 문학] The Life and Times of Edwin Arlington Robinson (에드윈 알링턴 로빈슨 의 생애와 그의 시)
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