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전자회로실험 A+ 6주차 결과보고서(BJT Operations-Large/Small signal Operation)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"전자회로실험 A+ 6주차 결과보고서(BJT Operations-Large/Small signal Operation)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. 실험목표
2. 실험과정
3. 실험결과
4. 실험결과 사진
5. PSPICE 결과
6. 분석 및 토의


1. 실험목표
1. To become familiar with large signal and small signal analysis in BJT circuits.
2. To measure BJT VCE-IC characteristics in the presence of the Early effect, and to calculate parameters of the small-signal model.
3. To compare the results from the small-signal operation with bias point and the small-signal models.
2. 실험과정
(1) Calculate the parameters from the equation
1. Connect the circuit of Figure below. Set VCC =0V. M1 and M2 should be set on the highest milliampere range to protect the meters. The range is selected after power is applied. Check circuit connections before power is applied. (This circuit is common-emitter amplifier with grounded emitter terminal)

2. Connect a signal generator to the input terminals of Vin. Set the output of the signal generator to 2V DC.
3. Vary VCC in steps of 1V from 0V to 12V. Observe and record the collector voltage VCE, the collector current lC and the base current IB in Table. Observe VBE and VCB to check the operation region.
4. Set the output of the signal generator to 4V. Repeat step 2, 3.
5. Set the output of the signal generator to 6V. Repeat step 2, 3.
6. From the data in Table, plot the collector characteristic curves (VCE-IC).
7. From the data of IC, calculate the gransconductance (gm) using below equation. Assume the thermal voltage VT = 26mV.

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전자회로실험 A+ 6주차 결과보고서(BJT Operations-Large/Small signal Operation)
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