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대학영어 ) 영어 에세이 - Should Animal Abuse Laws in Korea be Strengthened

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 5,000원4,750원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion
4. Sources and references


Recently, it was known that a woman in her twenties abused and killed her puppies, which shocked our country. For two years, she received several puppies for free through the Internet, abused them, and showed cruelty by filming the abuse process with her smartphone. During the police investigation, she revealed that she abused animals simply for fun, which angered the public. News of animal abuse like this is often heard, but the punishment for perpetrators is very light and the related laws are also insufficient. In April of last year, when the government revised the Animal Protection Act, it tried to include a clause prohibiting those convicted of animal cruelty from raising animals, but the clause was deleted because of violation of basic rights and double punishment. Because of this reality, animal cruelty crimes are continuing.

참고 자료

이승연, "학대해도 동물 입양 못 막아.. 미국은 금지", 춘천MBC, 2023.01.12, "https://chmbc.co.kr/article/0TCzp6fJcgim3z2O4"
김지숙, "학대 잔혹성 갈수록 커진다…“‘동물 국과수’ 만들어야”", 2022.04.20, "https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/animalpeople/companion_animal/1039544.html"
박광온, "5년간 2배 늘어난 동물학대 범죄…"양형 기준 강화해야"", 뉴시스, 2022.12.27, "https://newsis.com/view/?id=NISX20221219_0002128400&cID=10201&pID=10200"
박현주, "동물학대는 흉악범죄 전조…이기영도 고양이 괴롭힘 영상", 아시아경제, 2023.01.12, "https://view.asiae.co.kr/article/2023011115260381978"
송승윤, "반려동물 인구 증가에 커지는 펫푸드 시장…식품업계, '프리미엄화' 승부수", 아시아경제, 2022.12.20, "https://view.asiae.co.kr/article/2022121916430478726"
김종민, "[사실확인] 한국은 동물학대에 관대하다? 판결문 200개 분석해보니…", MBN, 2022.05.13, "https://www.mbn.co.kr/news/society/4759999"
판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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대학영어 ) 영어 에세이 - Should Animal Abuse Laws in Korea be Strengthened
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