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[A+] 인천대 기계공학실험(1) 진동실험 레포트

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"인천대 기계공학실험(1) 진동실험 레포트(단진자&비틀림)"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Part1 : Simple Pendulum Test (단진자 실험)
1. Introduction and Theory (1Page)
2. Experimental method
3. Experimental results
4. Analysis and Discussion
5. References

II. Part2 : Torsion Test (비틀림 실험)
1. Introduction and Theory (1Page)
2. Experimental method
3. Experimental results
4. Analysis and Discussion
5. References


There are vibration and oscillation. Vibration is a generic term for all vibrations. Oscillation is mainly limited to periodic tremors. Vibration is classified into several fields as follows.
1)Free vibration & Forced vibration
⚫Free vibration : The system moves on its own after initial exercise without applying any more external force.
⚫Forced vibration : External forces act periodically on the system. For example, when we drives, the car can be regarded as forced vibration that receives external force by an engine and external force by a road surface.
2)Undamped vibration & Damped vibration
⚫Undamped vibration : It moves repeatedly without friction or other resistance, without dissipating energy
⚫Damped vibration : It menas that most vibrations where energy is dissipated.
3)Linear vibration & Non-linear vibration
⚫Linear vibration : Vibration with restoration properties proportional to force and deformation

참고 자료

Dongho-Nam, Mechanical Vibration, Gyu, Kyobo Bookstore, 2021, pp. 24~103
(simple pendulum motion), 5/13
Dongho-Nam, Mechanical Vibration, Gyu, Kyobo Bookstore, 2021, pp. 36~103
(twisting), 5/13
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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