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한양대 전문학술영어 에세이 (A+ 에세이 98점 받았습니다.)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기




In 2020, two teachers who were using the three-dimensional (hereafter 3D) printer in their class contract a cancer. (Yoon, 2020) With the increase in the supply of this technology, the side effects emerge gradually in increasing numbers. This essay will demonstrate the problem of the 3D printer and suggest a solution to deal with this problem. If this issue is not managed as soon as possible, then there will be the other victims of disease.

참고 자료

Charles (January. 1, 2021) Do You Need a 3D Printer Ventilation System? Retrieved April 11, 2021 from 3dtechvalley website :
Heo, Hyo-jin (October. 27, 2020) 3D Printer… Impact of Cancer in Closed Classrooms? Retrieved April 15, 2021 from kbs news website :
Heo, Seo-Young (February. 23, 2021) 3D printer, from ultrafine dust to rare diseases? Secrets Hidden in Value Creation Retrieved April 12, 2021 from research paper website :
No author (September. 4, 2016) WHAT IS THE WIND EFFECT VENTILATION? Retrieved April 11, 2021 from moffittcorp website :
Yoon, Geun-hyuk (August. 3, 2020) A science high school teachers are raising a series of rare cancers. Spreading '3D Printer Fear' Retrieved April 10, 2021 from ohmynews website :
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