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IB Mathematics AA Internal Assessment (7)

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"IB Mathematics AA Internal Assessment (7)"에 대한 내용입니다.


A. Introduction 4
B. Procedure 5
C. Sample calculation 12
D. Calculation 15
E. Testing the normality 17
F. Statistical test (Paired Sample t-test) 18
G. Conclusion 21
H. Work Cited 23
I. Appendix A: The Statisticvehicleand Statistichuman calculated from the raw data 24
J. Appendix B: process of finding the test statistic for Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test of Normality in Excel 25
K. Appendix C: The calculation carried out to perform the statistical test 27


Phu My Hung is an urban area located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and most of Saigon South International School (SSIS) students live in this area. Vietnam is famous for having disorganized traffic due to the motorbikes, therefore causing tourists to find it hard to walk around. This applies to Phu My Hung as well: when I was walking around in Phu My Hung, I realized that some roads are very narrow so that it is hard to walk through. However, as a person lived in Phu My Hung for 7 years, I could not sense this difficulty while I was on the motorbike or a taxi. This led me to question, is this because the land was mainly used for vehicles instead of human pathways? Through exploring these mathematical approaches I hope to discover ‘To what extent is the road in Vietnam distributed fairly between the pathway for people and the road for vehicles?’, so that people are able to make an informed decision about the type of transport that they will use in Vietnam. Such that if the data showed that the land was distributed fairly, the reader can choose which type of transport they prefer; if the data showed that the land was distributed unfairly, the reader can choose the type of transport with more convenience. In this paper, ‘road’ will be defined as a piece of land that is built for vehicles and ‘pathway’ will be defined as a piece of land that is built for citizens to walk around.

참고 자료

Diaz, Estefania. (2015). Inertial Pocket Navigation System: Unaided 3D Positioning. Sensors. 15. 9156-9178. 10.3390/s150409156.
Singh, Gurminder & Singla, Ashish & Virk, Gurvinder. (2016). Modeling and Simulation of a Passive Lower-Body Mechanism for Rehabilitation.
Japan Bank for International Cooperation. “Research Institute for Development and Finance
Japan Bank for International Cooperation .” Japan Bank for International Cooperation,
National Law Information Center. “서울특별시 주차장 설치 및 관리 조례.” 국가법령정보센터, Dec. 2019,
Program Monkey. “Sidewalk Parking.” Creative Commons, 30 Oct. 2016,
THOMAS, DAVID A. “UNDERSTANDING THE CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREM.” The Mathematics Teacher, vol. 77, no. 7, 1984, pp. 542–543. JSTOR,
www.jstor.org/stable/27964198. Accessed 17 Apr. 2020.
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