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Changes in China's Diplomacy Strategies, Since 1900

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If anyone takes a look at the Chinese map of the Qing period and that of current years, it can be easily noticed that there has not been many changes in the borders. After inheriting the vast Qing Empire, Da Qing Guo, the Republican government could preserve the entire border territories of Qing, with its diplomatic strategies, only except for Outer Mongolia (Kirby, 437). In current years as well, Chinese government pays lots of attention to policies for territorial and sovereignty issues. As proved in the analysis of major territorial disputes with its neighboring countries, China’s diplomatic strategies are now different from those of the Republican period.
The Republican period was a busy time for China, because so many important matters happened simultaneously. Above all, that period was when the governance system was shifting fundamentally from imperial to republican. In addition, there were various territorial problems; Japan was..

<중 략>

참고 자료

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Changes in China&#039;s Diplomacy Strategies, Since 1900
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